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Current COVID-19 risk level

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Current COVID-19 risk level at the Silesian University of Technology:


Number of units and facilities with a higher risk level:


Current COVID-19 risk level in the "Didactics" area:


The aim of the Biomechatronics Student Research Club “BIOKREATYWNI” is to solve problems in the field of biomechatronics, biomechanic engineering and related sciences by participating in scientific seminars, conferences, courses, attending the fairs and carrying out own projects under the supervision of employees of the Department of Biomechatronics of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice


Presentations at scientific conferences
0 +
Years of activity
0 +

Co zyskujesz?

Udział w konferencjach naukowych

Tutaj jakiś opis

Rozwijanie swoich pasji

Tutaj jakiś opis

Ciekawe projekty

Tutaj jakiś opis

Realizacja własnych pomysłów

Tutaj jakiś opis

Nauka i badania

Tutaj jakiś opis

Warsztaty i szkolenia

Tutaj jakiś opis

Tutor of the Students' Club

Agata Guzik-Kopyto, BEng, PhD

e-mail: Agata.Guzik-Kopyto@polsl.pl,

room: 114 Zabrze,

phone: 277 74 36

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie