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Competition for the best doctoral thesis
We invite you to participate in the XI competition for the best doctoral thesis defended at member universities of the Progress 3 Consortium (from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia). The competition is organized by VŠB Ostrava and is international in nature.
The current edition of the competition is open to participation in doctoral theses defended in the calendar year 2024, i.e. from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024. Each of the universities of the Progress 3 Consortium may submit to the competition a maximum of 3 works in each of the following thematic categories:
- Economics, Finance and Management (Economics, Finance and Management),
- Raw Materials, Energy, and the Environment
- Health and Applications in Healthcare
- Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
- Competitive Engineering and Materials Research.
Selected works from all universities will be evaluated by the Commission established within the framework of the Progress 3 Consortium, chaired by VŠB Ostrava.
Persons interested in participating in the competition should send to the Department of International Cooperation by 17 February 2025 (inclusive) the application together with the required documents in electronic form to the address
List of required documents:
1) electronic version of the doctoral dissertation (.pdf or .docx format)
The doctoral thesis must be defended in 2024 at the Silesian University of Technology; the thesis does not have to be written in English.
2) electronic version of the summary of the doctoral dissertation (.pdf or .docx format)
Recommended structure of the summary of the doctoral dissertation:
- Title page (name of university and faculty, designation "Summary of doctoral dissertation", name and surname of the author, title of the thesis, name of the program of study and direction, year of study),
- annotations (maximum one page)
- table of contents
- introduction to the issues and current state of knowledge in a given topic,
- the purpose of the work and the methodology used,
- a brief summary of the work,
- results of work, contribution to the development of social theory and practice,
- conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations,
- bibliography.
3) the declaration of the participant of the competition first stage
4) in the application e-mail you should specify the competition category to which the work is to be assigned, as well as the date of defence
5) application form – after qualifying the work for the second stage
From among the submitted works, a maximum of 3 best in each category (stage I) will be selected. These works will be sent to VSB Ostrava for further evaluation (stage II).
Before submitting the works to the second stage to VSB Ostrava, the International Relations Office will contact the participants with a request to fill in the application form prepared by the Organizer. Please do not submit the application form in the first stage.
Submitting work to DWZ: 17.02.2025– The first stage of the competition
Transfer of works from the PE to VSB Ostrava: 20.02.2025
Committee Meeting/Stage II of the Competition: 21.02 - 12.03.2025
Publication of results: 14.03.2025
Award ceremony: 26.03.2025.
For taking the first place in each category: 7000 CZK
For taking 2nd or 3rd place in each category: Diploma
For submitting a work for evaluation by the Commission, but without taking a place: Certificate of participation
Please send your questions to the International Relations Office tel. (32) 237 1944, e-mail: .
Information about the competition and attachments can also be found at
The results of the Competition will be announced on the website and on the website
The competition is organized by Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava.