
from 17-05-2024
from 14:30
to 17-05-2024
to 15:30
Author: Grzegorz Sierpiński Published at: 10.05.2024 Last update: 10.05.2024

Lecture by dr Mahdi Aghaabbasi from University of Central Florida (USA)

We cordially invite you to the lecture of dr. Mahdi Aghaabbasi entitled "Machine Learning and Travel Behavior Analysis: Are We on the Right Path?", which will take place on Friday, MAy 17, 2024, at 14:30 on-line by using Zoom platform.

Dr. Mahdi Aghaabbasi is a transport planner with extensive experience in the field of transportation policy and travel behavior analysis. Currently serving as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Central Florida (US). Dr. Mahdi specializes in utilizing digital twin technology and machine learning algorithms to optimize urban mobility systems. His notable on-going projects include developing urban digital twin platforms for metropolitan areas and implementing innovative solutions to enhance urban mobility.

In this presentation titled 'Machine Learning and Travel Behavior Analysis: Are We on the Right Path?' Dr. Mahdi Aghaabbasi delves into the intersection of machine learning techniques and travel behavior analysis in urban transportation planning. Through insightful analysis and case studies, Dr. Mahdi examines the current trajectory of research and implementation, probing whether our approaches align with the evolving dynamics of urban mobility.

In order to obtain a link to the Zoom platform to participate in the lecture, please send your participation request by email to no later than 16 of May 2024.


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