About us
About us
The Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials which conistsed of the following 4 divisions:
the Division of Materials Processing Technologies Management and Computer Techniques in Materials Science
the Division of Constructional and Special Materials
the Division of Biomedical Engineering
the Division of Quality and Cleaner Production Control
and 50 employees was founded in 1997.
Since then the Institute has been developing dynamically in scientific, research and teaching fields. In 2003 the following divisions were created in the Institute:
the Division of Foundry
the Division of Quality Management (existing since 2006, transformed from the Division of Quality and Cleaner Production Control)
the Division of Nanocrystalline and Functional Materials and Sustainable Proecological Technologies
In 2004 the Institute joined the Division of Metal and Polymer Materials Processing and, an independent Administrative and Economic Section, working till September 2012 and consisting of administrative and technical staff of the Institute was created. Currently the number of the staff at the Institute reaches around 140 people. The Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials of the Silesian University of Technology is the largest internal organisational unit of one of the four oldest and largest faculties of the Silesian University of Technology – the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
It is a first university unit, which received the Certificate of Registration of Quality Management System complied with the principles of ISO 9001 in the framework of didactics and research in the field of materials science, which has a significant impact on improving the quality of education, so important in the integrated European Union and the markets, education and work changing in recent years. The Institute is currently a thriving academic centre of international importance in the field of materials science, surface engineering, biomaterials and biomedical engineering, nanotechnology and nanostructured materials, environmental technologies and computer science materials. It has a very modern laboratory base and highly developed international cooperation with many centres in Europe and on all other continents.
After six years of activity within the Division of Foundry of the Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials of the Silesian University of Technology on 1 September 2009, an independent Department of Foundry was created. It was a time of scientific advancement of the Institute for Workers employed in the Division and the duration of their intensive scientific development and intensive publishing of the scientific achievements by the Workers’ Institute, which is not unprecedented in the history of groups dealing with the casting of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Those six years, it is also a period of unprecedented development of infrastructure and material base for the Division of Foundry, and unprecedented organisational development of the Division of Foundry. It is all a good dowry for independent activity of the Department of Foundry in coming years.