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Industrial Computer Science, first-cycle full-time studies

Course description
  • first-cycle full-time course
  • profile: general academic
  • recruitment date: summer recruitment
  • course duration: 4 years / 8 semesters
  • title conferred: Engineer
  • specialities:
    • industrial computer systems
    • computer programming

Graduate profile
The Industrial Computer Science course (practical profile) is of an integrated nature and includes a number of fields of study traditionally offered by technical universities. In addition to computer science, it partly covers topics related to materials engineering, metallurgy, robotics, electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications. The main objective of the studies in this field is to educate and train in practice IT engineers who later will be capable of functioning effectively in the industrial sphere as well as in general, interdisciplinary engineering positions, but also will be able to adapt easily to standard systems related to IT and production engineering.
Graduates of the Industrial Computer Science course (practical profile) can work in both the positions traditionally envisaged for a computer engineer and in other engineering positions in industry. The degree course also prepares students for further competence development in other engineering fields, e.g. production engineering, through informal learning, as well as for second-level studies and studying at doctoral school.

Industrial Computer Science, second-cycle full-time studies

Course description
  • second-cycle full-time course
  • profile: general academic
  • recruitment date: summer recruitment
  • course duration: 1.5 years / 3 semesters
  • title conferred: Master of Engineering
  • specialities:
    • security of IT systems
    • intelligent industrial systems
    • computer programming

Graduate profile
Graduates have advanced knowledge of cyber-security, artificial intelligence and computer programming.  They know the issues connected with the security of computer systems and networks, computer forensics, cyber-security surveillance systems, and security in cloud systems. They can operate, administer and develop IT systems, including secure specialist systems used in banks, industry, transport and communication, in the military and police spheres.  They know the secrets of designing safe technologies and information tools, as well as the research methodology and possibilities of using modern computers and compatible devices, operating systems, computer networks and databases in industrial technologies. Industrial Computer Science graduates will find employment in IT companies dealing with the construction or implementation of IT tools and systems in banks, in industry, as well as in other organizations using IT infrastructure.  They can also work in state and local government administration.

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