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Author: Aleksandra Lipczyńska Published at: 20.05.2021 Last update: 20.05.2021

Final of the AEC Global Teamwork Stanford University program

Students of "Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Air Protection" specialization peer in MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering) systems, designing energy-saving building systems in international teams.

Mr. Stanisław Kocik, a graduate student of the "Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Air Protection" specialization at our Department, successfully completed the PBL project organized by the Stanford University as part of the AEC Global Teamwork program. His team also received an award in the "buildings as products" category.

AEC Global Teamwork brings together students, faculty, and industry practitioners from five disciplines - Architecture, Construction, MEP Building Systems Engineering, Construction Management (CM), and Lifecycle Financial Management (LCFM). This year, the project involved 28 students from Stanford and 9 partner universities from around the world, representing 16 nationalities. The students were divided into 4 project teams, which consisted of team members representing five disciplines. Teams designed university buildings taking into account local challenges such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, extreme weather conditions, tight construction sites, local regulations and working conditions.

This year, the entire project was carried out in a remote form, which was certainly a significant obstacle for teams whose members have never met before and represent different approaches to design. The implemented projects are complex, interdisciplinary and require extensive knowledge and commitment of team members. Comparing them with our internal PBL projects, the substantive scope is much more demanding. Congratulations!


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