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Postgraduate Studies

specialization of study

Occupational health and safety in the company

The course is aimed at all undergraduate, engineering and graduate students who wish to:
- obtain a new qualification in occupational health and safety,
- expand their knowledge needed to practice their profession,
- update their knowledge in relation to the development of science and technology.

In particular, the studies are addressed to managers and people responsible for occupational safety and health in industrial plants who are employees of occupational safety and health services.
Classes are taught by employees of the Department of Safety Engineering and representatives of GIG, PIP, WUG, among others.

Definition of the form of completion of postgraduate studies
Graduation from the lectures of particular subjects takes place in the form of a final test. The tests are kept in the student's personal file. In addition, each student does the final thesis in the field of study, the results of which are presented before a commission appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. The commission consists of the Vice Dean for Part-time Studies, the Manager of Postgraduate Studies and the supervisor of the final thesis. A prerequisite for graduation from the postgraduate program is passing the final test and successfully defending the final thesis.

All additional information about the studies can be obtained from
RG3 Department Secretariat

Contact information:
tel. 32 237 21 79
e-mail: rg3@polsl.pl
Akademicka 2 (room 673)
44-100 Gliwice

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie