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Research topics and offer
The research and development activity of the Department of Metrology, Electronics and Automation covers a number of different subject areas related directly or indirectly to electrical, electronic and electronics metrology. The basic thematic sections include:
- electrical, electronic and industrial metrology (including measurements of non-electrical quantities using electrical methods, especially forces, pressures and displacements, as well as measurements of the properties of electrotechnical materials such as: dielectrics, magnetics and conductors),
- programmable measurement systems (the area covers the issues of designing and programming autonomous and computerized measurement systems),
- widely understood automation of measurement processes and other electrical devices (including system implementation and programming of industrial controllers),
- precision metrology (this area concerns measurements of electrical quantities with the highest accuracy and is related to the development of new measurement methods and algorithms, as well as the design and construction of modern, high-class control and measurement equipment),
- electromagnetic compatibility (research, construction of measuring equipment for applications in the measurement and analysis of electromagnetic fields of low and high frequencies),
- electronics (development of modern electronic applications for use in measuring systems and more; implementation of analog and digital programmable components, research on analysis methods, synthesis and modeling of modern analog and digital electronic circuits).
In the field of electronics, the Department conducts:
- research related to theoretical and practical modeling of modern electronic amplifiers with particular emphasis on multi-terminal amplifiers and various application circuits,
- research related to the construction and computer modeling of multi-input field effect transistors with a free gate and their application to the construction of non-linear, multi-input and parameter-controlled electronic amplification systems,
- research related to the design and application of computer programmable integrated analog circuits with an internal matrix of non-volatile memory, encoding the structure and parameters of the designed circuit,
- study of analog systems of the "internally nonlinear, externally linear" type with various nonlinear processing functions and using a variety of electronic components and amplifiers, and their possible applications in signal processing and metrology systems.
The Department may undertake any measurement tasks falling within the given areas, especially non-standard tasks, requiring the development of special apparatus, according to the user's wishes. The most important examples of the completed works include:
- inductance etalon comparator,
- bridge, comparative and other systems for impedance and its components measurements (R, L, C, tgδ, Q),
- specialized measuring systems for testing power transformers (winding resistance, insulation resistance),
- automatic scales for measuring and recording metal mass in induction and channel furnaces,
- automatic testers for production tests of capacitors and anti-interference filters,
- geometric displacement sensors with frequency output,
- systems for software error correction (static and dynamic) of measuring transducers,
- multi-task management programs for microprocessor devices,
- AC inductive voltage dividers with gear error (10-6 ÷ 10-4)%,
- magnetic comparators of alternating and direct currents (including for checking transformers),
- AC and DC voltage calibrators.
The results of the Chair's research are published in national and foreign scientific journals, in the Scientific Journals of the "Elektryka" series and presented at conferences, including foreign ones. The Institute is the organizer and co-organizer of numerous conferences and symposia.