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from 15-05-2023
from 14:00
to 15-05-2023
to 16:00
Wydziału Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki w Katowicach przy ulicy Krasińskiego 13, 4 piętro
Author: Bogusława Słowak Published at: 12.05.2023 Last update: 12.05.2023

Opening of Katowice location of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science and Intel modern laboratory

The second seat of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science will be located in Katowice at 13, Krasińskiego Street. There you will be able to study first-cycle studies in the field of Computer Science, and second-cycle studies in the field of Microinformatics of digital systems. The inauguration ceremony will be attended by Rector of the Silesian University of Technology prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, general manager of Intel in Poland - Michał Dżoga, Mayor of the City of Katowice - dr eng. Marcin Krupa and the Dean of the Faculty of AEiI (Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science), prof. Dariusz Kania.

– I am extremely happy that we managed to open, under the auspices of Intel, the innovative second-cycle studies of Microinformatics of Digital Systems. I am convinced that they can become a valuable element of the transformation of our region, focused on new technologies and the development of broadly understood digitization. For now, we are starting to teach students advanced elements of synthesis and verification of digital systems. I hope that the cooperation will result in interesting projects that will become the foundation of many innovative solutions that will make our lives easier not only in Silesia, but around the world - said prof. Dariusz Kania, Dean of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science.

The interdisciplinary field of study Microinformatics of Digital Systems has been prepared as a response to market demand. In southern Poland, more and more companies in the area of new technologies have their headquarters, including those directly related to the area of established studies. It should be emphasized that world-class potentates have their headquarters in Katowice and its vicinity. The development of the subject program meets the expectations of business entities and was directly consulted with Intel.

During the inauguration of the new headquarters, a modern laboratory for the synthesis and verification of digital integrated circuits will be opened, implemented in the form of ASICs and implemented in programmable systems on a chip and FPGAs. The laboratory equipment was funded by Intel. Students will practically learn the basics of synthesis, optimization and verification of digital circuits implemented in the form of specialized digital circuits tailored to the needs of the recipient. Everything will be done with the help of Intel, a world leader not only in microprocessors, but also in specialized programmable systems.

- Graduates of the course, prepared to work in the Intel laboratory, will certainly join companies producing intellectual value of the IP Core type and companies implementing digital hardware modules in signal and data processing, including telecommunications companies and those in the field of space and satellite technologies - said dr hab. eng. Robert Czerwiński, prof. of Silesian University of Technology Importantly, however, the nature of the studies remains general academic, which is highly appreciated by companies employing graduates of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science - he adds.

Both the Intel laboratory and the new headquarters will further consolidate its position and link the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science with the Katowice campus of the Silesian University of Technology.



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Opening of Katowice location of the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science and Intel modern laboratory


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