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Author: Marek Wyleżoł     Published At: 01.12.2024

Presentation title

Model of human action in the product lifecycle in cyberreality

Presentation summary

In an era of intense economic changes and rapid development of advanced information technology, in most cases, still the most important element of any system remains the man, and the space where the creative process takes place and new ideas are generated is still the human mind. However, in many areas human capabilities are limited. For this reason, practically from the beginning of their existence, people have sought ways to expand their capabilities. The manifestation of these aspirations in the context of technology was the development of various computer techniques, the main purpose of which is to assist man in the effective implementation of virtually all stages of the process of developing a technical means. People gradually delegated further complex activities to computer systems, with the result that today human functioning in the physical world is significantly assisted by computer systems. As a result of the progressive virtualization of successive elements of the physical world, we are now experiencing an increasing “immersion” of social and economic systems in the virtual world. These processes are generally seen as the formation of a cyberreal world.

Author's profile

Sylwester Oleszek, PhD - works as the head of the PLM Consulting Department at Transition Technologies PSC. He holds a PhD in technical sciences in the discipline of machine design and maintenance, is a member of the Polish Society for Production Management, and serves as an expert of the Production Digitization Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He has participated in implementations of PLM, IoT and AR class systems that are part of Industry 4.0 initiatives in manufacturing companies. He is the author and co-author of three books and 25 scientific publications in the fields of product lifecycle management, manufacturing engineering, project management and computer-aided design.

Place and time

Date: December 11th, 2024
Time: 16:00


Meeting ID: 933 0487 7757
Access PIN: 378411

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