Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 22.05.2024

We want the river. Celebration of Rawa River

A river, a stream, or a watercourse? Or maybe we will look at Rawa River as a work of art? The hyperobject of human and nature? The Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice and the University of Silesia invite you to celebrate together.

It will be a walk along Rawa River and with Rawa in mind. On Saturday, May 25th, there will be another event from the series – “We want the River. Celebration of Rawa River.” As part of the event, discussions with scientists, sports activities, shows and a concert were planned.

The idea of the event stems from a reflection on the social usefulness of art and field practices concentrated around the industrial heritage of the region. As a result of human actions, Rawa has lost its original ecosystem, it is a combination of natural and artificial (industrial, urban, and cultural) forces. It is the subject of a radical process of transformation, displacement, pollution, purification, discovery, and cover-up. Rawa, with its non-waters (often by-products of industrial metabolism), carries a history of great changes, condensing history into itself.

The theme is: We want the river. The Rawa Festival will take place on May 25th  – details of the event on the website :

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