We have the results of the 5th Project-Based Learning - PBL funding competition within the "Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme
Up to PLN 5,000 gross of the support was granted to 76 projects submitted in the 5th Project-Based Learning - PBL funding competition within the "Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme. They included solutions from six Priority Research Areas of the Silesian University of Technology.
The Committee awarded the highest score to the project "Artificial lung system for a thermal manikin simulating human lung function in research on the risk of droplet infection". It was closely followed by projects "Biomimetic assistant - robotic arm used as an aid for the disabled" and "Design and model in 1:5 scale of a device to simulate reduced gravity (Moon, Mars) to perform research in the field of space architecture".
The minimum number of points required to obtain funding, as specified in the competition regulations, was 6 points. The three highest scoring projects obtained 9.45, 9.21 and 9.18 points respectively.
The competition organiser reserved the right to change the funding goal of a project after prior consultation with the participants if it results from the procedures currently in force at the University.