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Two POP Science 2024 awards for the Silesian University of Technology!

The podcast "Let's Talk About Science" and Dr Eng. Anna Byczek-Wyrostek received the POP Science Awards 2024 during the 8th Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE.

We are pleased to announce that among the winners of the fifth edition of the competition for the POP Science Award of the Silesian Science Festival KATOWICE there were representatives of the Silesian University of Technology. In the category of podcast or radio broadcast, the podcast of the Silesian University of Technology "Let's talk about science" was awarded, while in the category - “Think locally, act globally” - Dr Eng. Anna Byczek-Wyrostek.

Anna Byczek-Wyrostek has been popularizing science for almost ten years, mainly through demonstrations and workshops covering knowledge in such fields as biology, chemistry or physics. She prepares classes for a wide range of recipients – from preschoolers to adults. She is also the coordinator of the classes “Junior and Senior Technical University.”

“Receiving such a prestigious award is not only a reason to be proud of, but also an incentive to further development. The promotion of science has become an important part of my work. Conducting classes, especially for children and young people, in chemistry or physics in a simple and accessible way can cause the development of their interests in these fields of science” – said the winner after receiving the award, who thanked all those who contributed to this success, especially students from the Student Research Club of Chemists.


The award for the podcast “Let’s talk about science” on behalf of the Centre for Promotion and Communication was received by the editors: Katarzyna Siwczyk and Director Krzysztof Gronowicz.

- “On behalf of the whole team of the Centre for Promotion and Communication, we thank you for this distinction. From now on, we will want to create even more interesting content for you. Soon we will reach a hundred episodes and thanks to this award we will celebrate it with pride” – said Katarzyna Siwczyk.

- “The topics of our podcasts is broad – these are issues related not only to popular issues such as artificial intelligence and technology. This versatility and regularity of publishing made us noticed, for which we thank “– added Krzysztof Gronowicz, the Director of the Promotion and Communication Centre at SUT.

The podcast “Let’s Talk About Science” has been running since February 2023. The talks are conducted mainly by journalists and journalists of the Centre for Promotion and Communication of the Silesian University of Technology – Katarzyna Siwczyk, Jolanta Skwaradowska, Anna Świderska and Martin Huć.

Przemysław Bratkowski and Tomasz Stokłosa are responsible for the sound.

By December 2024, the podcast had reached more than 20 thousand people via streaming channels including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Transistor.fm.


In the podcast, we talk about scientific projects implemented within the walls of the Silesian University of Technology.

We conduct conversations with guests - students, PhD students and scientists in both Polish and English, thus reaching a wide audience. The topics we discuss, including non-scientific ones, include those that interest the entire society. We want to reach not only the academic community, but also listeners unrelated to the Silesian University of Technology, whom we convince that science has an impact on their everyday lives. Therefore, the topics of the talks are current problems, including energy transformation, climate change, the impact of artificial intelligence on our daily lives and education in the field of cybersecurity.

All the episodes of the podcast "Let's Talk About Science" are available here: https://polsl.transistor.fm/episodes

Let us add that the competition for the POP Science Award has an open formula - everyone can submit their proposals. Then, the jury, which consists mainly of previous POP Science Award winners, awards points to the best proposals. In the next stage, Internet users voted on the nominees in an online voting.

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