Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 24.05.2024
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Tre Voci sang for the Silesian University of Technology

This year’s Spring Concert of the Silesian University of Technology ended with standing ovations. Nearly two thousand people together with the President of Zabrze and the Rector authorities of the University applauded the bravado performance of three young tenors, who under the name Tre Voci, are making a sensation on national and international music stages.

On May 22nd, the concert hall of the House of Music and Dance in Zabrze was filled to the brim. The annual birthday concert of the university was attended by employees of the Silesian University of Technology and friends of the university. Many guests were greeted by Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, who reminded that spring concerts with a long tradition always take place on the birthday of the university, and this year it celebrates its 79th anniversary.

“This year is special for me because I am finishing my second term, and I would like to thank you very much for the 8 years we have spent together. I would like to thank the members of our academic community; I would also like to thank the representatives of local governments and entities from the socio-economic environment. It was a time of very dynamic development of our university - added Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk. – During this period – the Rector continued – Silesian University of Technology developed very much in all areas of mission implementation, both in the area of education, scientific research, as well as cooperation with the socio-economic environment. Today, as one of the 10 Polish universities, we have the status of a research university, and we are building the European University EURECA-PRO – summed up his short speech Prof. Mężyk.

The opening of the concert was also attended by Prof. Marek Pawełczyk, Rector Elect of the Silesian University of Technology, who will start acting as Rector of the University on September 1st . Presenting the Rector Elect, the current Rector emphasized that he hopes that the university’s development strategy based on striving for excellence will continue. Prof. Marek Pawełczyk expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to speak and thanked him for all the years of cooperation.

– We will work, we will learn, and we will also have fun and the tradition of spring concerts will certainly continue – added the Rector Elect of the Silesian University of Technology, receiving thunderous applause in return.


The star of this year’s Spring Concert was the group Tre Voci, which consists of three tenors of the young generation of singers and a band of instrumentalists.

As they say about themselves, three individuals and three diverse voices share a great friendship. In Zabrze, they performed an explosive mixture of songs, among which there were classics of Polish song and arias from cult operas. Combined with a sense of humour, huge stage energy and vocal artistry, they showed a spectacle enthusiastically received by the audience.

Silesian University of Technology has entered the jubilee, 80th year of its activity.

Joining the wishes of Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, addressed to employees present at the spring concert, we wish you all the best!

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