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Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 27.05.2024

The victory of the Silesian Greenpower!

The first and second place, as well as a special award, are the result of a great performance of students of the Silesian University of Technology from the Silesian Greenpower team in F24+ competitions, which took place on tracks in Great Britain.

Let us remind you that Silesian Greenpower is competing in F24+ races. This is a category in which the driver can be up to 26 years old. All cars are built with the same motors, powered by 240 W direct current. They also have the same batteries with a capacity of 36 Ah. The race lasts 60 minutes. The team that completes the most laps within that time wins.

Students of the Silesian University of Technology recently took part in competitions on three tracks, driving two cars. They did the best at East Fortune racetrack in Scotland.

- We took the first and second place, in addition, we were awarded the special Ford Engineering Award for the telemetry system of our cars - says Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Andrzej Baier, coordinator of the Silesian Greenpower project. “After a weaker performance in the first competition, we made some improvements to the vehicles and that brought an effect.

Our team also went well at Lotus race track of the legendary team taking part in Formula 1 races, where one of the cars came fourth.

"We would like to thank all the sponsors for their support, in particular the Łysoń Tomasz company and the Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians - SIMP" - says Prof. Andrzej Baier.

In the coming months, Silesian Greenpower will raise funds to be able to compete in September races, and will also work on further changes in vehicles, including in the area of the front of the vehicle, deflectors and engine control system.


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Dobrze naszej drużynie poszło także na torze firmy Lotus, legendarnego zespołu mającego za sobą starty w Formule 1, gdzie jeden z bolidów uplasował się na czwartym miejscu.

- Dziękujemy za wsparcie wszystkim sponsorom, a w szczególności Przedsiębiorstwu Łysoń Tomasz i Stowarzyszeniu Inżynierów i Techników Mechaników Polskich – SIMP – mówi prof. Andrzej Baier.

W najbliższych miesiącach Silesian Greenpower będzie zbierał fundusze, aby móc wystartować we wrześniowych wyścigach, a także będzie prowadził prace nad kolejnymi zmianami w pojazdach, m.in. w obszarze przodu pojazdu, owiewek oraz układu sterowania silnikiem.


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