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Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 23.05.2024     Updated At: 06.06.2024

The project with EU funding

The Silesian University of Technology is implementing a project “Support for staff in intensification of scientific activities in the field of transformation of transport toward green and digital economy”, worth PLN 1 302 600, which received funding from the European Union in the amount of PLN 1 172 340.00.

1 302 600 PLN for “Support of staff in intensification of scientific activities in the field of transport transformation toward green and digital economy” (FESL.10.25-IZ.01-03AF/23-00).

In the period from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2026, the Silesian University of Technology will implement a project aimed at comprehensive support of the scientific staff of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology (WTIL PŚ) in the field of intensification of scientific activities in the field of transport transformation toward green and digital economy.

The project is financed from the European Funds for Silesia 2021-2027 program, co-financed by the Fund for Just Transition – under Measure 10.25 Development of higher education in line with the needs of the green economy. The amount of funding from the European Union is PLN 1 172 340.00.

The implementation of the project will solve the problem of limited financial resources that could be allocated to scientific activities aimed at broadening the knowledge and skills of the staff on the transformation of transport toward a green and digital economy, which in turn will directly contribute to improving the attractiveness of the entity.
The subject matter of the project is consistent with the Technology Development Program of the Silesian Voivodeship for the years 2019–2030, the Territorial Just Transformation Plan of the Silesian Voivodeship 2030 and priority X: European Funds for Transformation: Development of higher education in line with the needs of the green economy.

The project will finance tasks related to:

  • support of scientific staff in scientific activities, publication, and presentation of research results,
  • carrying out study visits to other research units in order to gain experience in the implementation of scientific research on the transformation of transport toward a green and digital economy in the European Union and outside the European Union,
  • equipping the scientific laboratory with a scientific and research position aimed at increasing knowledge on the transformation of transport toward a green and digital economy.

The Head of the project is Dr Hab. Eng. Katarzyna Turoń, an assistant professor at the Department of Road Transport, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology.

#The European Fund


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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie