Źródło: materiały organizatora
Author: Jadwiga Witek     Published At: 07.05.2021

The next edition of the Siemens Award Competition has started

We invite scientists, research teams and graduates of 1st and 2nd degree studies to participate in the Siemens Award Competition. Applications are accepted until June 30, 2021.

The Siemens Award competition selects exceptional talents from among scientists, research teams and graduates of first and second degree studies from all over Poland. Winning projects that meet the needs of the market and the economy - apart from a financial award - get a chance to be implemented and put into practice as part of Siemens' technological solutions.

What speaks for the selection of the winning projects?

First of all, the subject matter, which is specified in the competition regulations, and the application values, i.e. the possibility of applying research results in practice.

Scientists and research teams can submit solutions related to industrial management, electrical engineering, rail transport, and traffic management and control. In addition, works in the field of advanced environmental protection technologies, machine building and material engineering are accepted.

In addition, the competition is open to diploma theses of graduates of the 1st and 2nd degree studies of academic institutions in the field of automation and robotics, as well as electrical engineering.

What awards are waiting for the winners?

There are attractive financial prizes to be won. In the Siemens Award Competition for scientists and research teams:

research award - PLN 40,000;
promotional award - PLN 30,000.

In the Siemens Award Competition for graduates in the field of automation and robotics and graduates in the field of electrical engineering:

1st prize - PLN 10,000;
2nd prize - PLN 5,000;
3rd prize - PLN 3,000.

Additionally, the university from which the winners of the graduation competition originate will be awarded laboratory equipment.

The organizers of the competition are the Warsaw University of Technology and Siemens AG. 

Details of the competition are available on the competition website.

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