Start - Aktualności - The best secondary comprehensive and vocational schools in Poland – Perspektywy Ranking 2025

The best secondary comprehensive and vocational schools in Poland - Perspektywy Ranking 2025
We know the best comprehensive and vocational secondary schools in Poland. The Academic Secondary Comprehensive School of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and Rybnik ranked high among secondary schools in the province.
In the 27th edition of the Ranking of Secondary Comprehensive and Vocational Schools, the authors of the ranking analysed the results of 1430 secondary comprehensive schools (out of 2187) and 1235 secondary vocational schools (out of 1743), which met the entry criteria (schools in which the final exams in May 2024 were passed by at least 12 secondary school graduates and in which the average results of compulsory exams in Polish and mathematics were not lower than 0.75 of the national average).
The Academic Secondary Comprehensive School of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice was ranked 3rd in the city and 22nd in the Silesian Voivodeship. In turn, the Academic Secondary Comprehensive School of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik is 3rd in the city and 36th in the province.
The criteria for the ranking of secondary schools in 2025 are: Results of Matura final exam in compulsory subjects (30%), results of final exams in additional subjects (45%) and successes in the Subjects Olympics (25%). Once again, achievements in the International School Subjects Olympics have been included in this category.
The Gala of the Silesian Ranking will be held at the Education and Congress Centre of the Silesian University of Technology on February 12th.
Detailed results are available in the following links: