fot. Maciej Mutwil (85)
Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 30.04.2024
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The Architecture Week is under way. Spend the May weekend with the Silesian University of Technology!

The Architecture Week in the European City of Science Katowice 2024 is under way. Behind us are already workshops, exhibitions, and a dance show in the heart of Katowice. However, there are other interesting proposals for events ahead of us. There will be an opportunity to take part in photo event commemorating the European City of Science celebrations, and in several places of the region new attractive benches for rest will be unveiled.

Since Monday, many places in the region are hosting events as part of Architecture Week. The event is part of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 celebrations. Curators of the event are Dr Hab. Eng. Arch. Klaudiusz Fross, Prof. SUT, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology and Dr Krzysztof Groń, Vice-Dean of this Faculty.

fot. Maciej Mutwil (4)

The first day of the Architecture Week in the building of the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice began with the exhibition “Top 12 – My first project”, during which students of this faculty presented their projects. In turn, the afternoon could be spent with a dance team from the Academy of Physical Education named after Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice, which, in the square in front of the Silesian Theatre, presented a show of Latin American dance classics – cha-cha. The occasion was an International Dance Day

- In addition to the fact that a group of over thirty students of the Katowice AWF danced, we also invited all interested and gathered on the Katowice Market Square to learn the basic steps of this dance. Quite a lot of people joined, including the elderly, which makes us very happy – says Martyna Smusz, a cha-cha instructor. The dance in the heart of Katowice proved that the architecture of the place can be used not only for walking and resting, but also for creating artistic events.

fot. Maciej Mutwil (181)

Monday ended with an extremely interesting architectural walking tour “Architecture of Science” through the interior of Youth Palace in Katowice, led by Dr Arch. Jacek Kamiński from the Silesian Library and Adam Lasek, director of the Youth Palace. The two-hour event brought together many interested participants who had a lot of questions to the guides.

- We wanted to show how many secrets the Youth Palace hides - said Adam Lasek. - During the year we conduct many walking tours like this, also for international groups, so we already have some experience in it. This time, Dr Arch. Jacek Kamiński also presented interesting facts about the architecture of the rooms of the Youth Palace. At the end, we also presented the participants with a display of lighting and technical capabilities of our theatre room – he added.

fot. Maciej Mutwil (215)

A lot of attractions on the occasion of the Architecture Week were also waiting for visitors to the walls of the Silesian University of Technology on Tuesday. In the building of the Faculty of Architecture, a seminar on space architecture was held.

“We want to tell you about what is not so obvious when it comes to the activities of the Faculty of Architecture. In addition to traditional fields of study, we also deal with innovative projects such as designing space habitats, we take part in simulated missions. Someone could say that this is not an important topic, but around us there are already a lot of companies that deal with it, so the need to develop this field of study is huge - said Professor Klaudiusz Fros during a meeting with students and secondary school pupils.

PhD student Wiktoria Dziaduła also talked about her development path: from her studies at the Faculty of Architecture to participation in international space projects in the United States.

- We still have a few days of interesting events for different age groups. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourselves with the schedule and have fun together – invites Dr Krzysztof Groń, curator of the Architecture Week.

The detailed schedule can be found here:

fot. Maciej Mutwil (94)

The event is financed by the EU. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author or authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Executive Agency Scientific Research (REA). The European Union and the REA are not responsible for them.

The event is also co-financed by the Silesian Voivodeship - Co-organizer of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.

fot. Maciej Mutwil (8) (3)

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