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The 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference
“Safety Management in Transport Techniques, Technologies and Policy”
On 3–5 December 2024, the 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Safety Management in Transport Techniques, Technologies and Policy” was held in Szczyrk. The conference was organized in part of the European Events City of Science Katowice 2024.
The theme of this year’s conference was the use of modern technologies in air transport. The aim of the conference was to establish lasting cooperation, exchange of experience and good practices of environments representing all modes of transport in the field of safety.

- “This conference is an opportunity to draw conclusions from previous activities and shape further projects and scientific research in the field of aviation” - said the Vice-Rector for Cooperation with the Social and Economic Environment, Dr Hab. Eng. Marcin Staniek, Prof. SUT opening the event.
The Silesian University of Technology is one of five universities in Poland that educates aviation personnel. This process, which we are implementing, is especially important in today’s unstable times, in which we will face numerous threats. It will be this personnel, if a crisis situation occurs, that will be the direct back-up of the Polish Air Force – noted Prof. Jarosław Kozuba – organizer of the conference and director of the Civil Aviation Personnel Training Centre of Central and Eastern Europe.

“Like any boy, I was fascinated by aviation from an early age, and airplanes were the objects I was interested in at a young age. Probably this is why the passion and joy of creating the Academic Aviation Training Centre at the Silesian University of Technology” – said Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Arkadiusz Mężyk, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology in the years 2016-2024, who at the beginning of the conference was honoured with the Ikar statuette. This was possible thanks to the efforts of Prof. Jarosław Kozuba and Prof. Bogusław Lazarz, then Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, who supported these activities. We were very much supported by the city of Gliwice, which offered the area at the airport, which the university could buy and develop the Civil Aviation Personnel Education Centre on it, and also invested in hardening the runway.

During the conference, Silesian University of Technology signed an agreement developing cooperation with Silver Cargo, thanks to which students during their studies have the opportunity to acquire practical competences. “Thanks to the fact that our students during their studies acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but specific skills in companies related to the aviation industry and obtain the necessary certificates, it makes them very much in demand on the labour market and often even during their studies they start work” – added Professor Kozuba.

The topics of the conference included issues related to the functioning of the integrated safety management system in air, road, rail, sea, inland waterway, and space transport, as well as its technical, economic, political, and psychological aspects.
The proceedings were held in the following sections: Political, economic and legal aspects of transport safety; Organisation of education and training in transport; Application of modern technologies and materials in transport; Construction, operation and diagnostics of means of transport; Unmanned aircraft; Management of safety and risk in transport; human factor in transport – shaping, role, tasks in transport safety systems.

Tematyka konferencji obejmowała zagadnienia związane z funkcjonowaniem zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w transporcie lotniczym, drogowym, szynowym, morskim, wodnym śródlądowym i kosmicznym oraz jego techniczne, ekonomiczne, polityczne, psychologiczne aspekty.
Obrady toczyły się w następujących sekcjach: Polityczne, ekonomiczne i prawne aspekty bezpieczeństwa w transporcie; Organizacja kształcenia i szkolenia w transporcie; Zastosowanie nowoczesnych technologii i materiałów w transporcie; Budowa, eksploatacja i diagnostyka środków transportu; Bezzałogowe statki powietrzne; Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem i ryzykiem w transporcie; Czynnik ludzki w transporcie – kształtowanie, rola, zadania w systemach bezpieczeństwa transportu.

The conference was an excellent opportunity to present modern devices and systems, including simulation systems, which are used in processes related to the implementation of air operations and airport security.
- “The most interesting panels during the conference were the panels where we could learn more about new opportunities for personnel development for civil aviation, and the conference was an excellent opportunity for exchanging experiences in the aviation industry.” - summed up Aleksandra Paczuska, Head of the department in the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Infrastructure.