Eureca Letnia Szkoła
Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 18.06.2021

Summer school organised by EURECA-PRO

Summer school organised by European University on Responsible Consumption and Production: „Responsible consumption and production for digitised higher education” will take place  05.09 – 11.09 in Freiberg (Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg).

Participants work in international and interdisciplinary groups of 5 people on scenarios about thesustainability of different forms to study online or in on-site physical presence.

Presentations by scientists and experts offer an introduction to the topics of sustainability of digitalisation and assessment.

A supporting programme will enable exchange on European culture among the participants. 4 groups of students are planning; each group is supported by a tutor.

Every day has its focus and topic:

  • the first day is introductory day,
  • the second digitized education day, sustainability day,
  • and the last one is communication day with presentation and evaluation.

In the morning sessions 4 presentations on every of three days devoted to the topic of the day are planning . In the afternoon, the students work in groups with a tutor.

Who can apply?
Students of a broad variety of disciplines and all degree levels: students at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels.

Students should apply with:

  • a cover letter,
  • CV,
  • a presentation of their motivation for participating (1 minute of talk recorded on,
  • RODO form.

The applications should be submitted to the College of Studies of Silesian University of Technology via email Deadline for submission is June 30th 2021.

The awarding of certificates with up to a maximum of 3 ECTS is conditional upon completion of the required tasks representing a workload of 90 and comprising pre-school tasks, active participation in the summer school week and the completion of a final report.

Preliminary Schedule "Summer School"

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