Success of the Faculty of Materials Engineering
The Faculty of Materials Engineering together with Złotecki Sp. z o.o. won the competition of the 13th International Fair of Composite Materials, Technologies, and Products KOMPOZYT- EXPO®, in the Technology category. It is the only fair in Poland devoted entirely to the composite materials and technology industry. At the same time, it is the most important industry event in Central and Eastern Europe.
The competition committee appreciated the method of manufacturing the piston for the internal combustion engine with local reinforcement in the form of a metal-ceramic composite insert type AlSi/SICP shaped in the centrifugal casting process.
The developed material and technological solutions are the result of a project co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development, as part of a joint venture between NCN and NCBR in the TANGO2 program. The Head of the project is Dr Hab. Eng. Anna Janina Dolata, Prof. SUT. The industrial partner of research and development (R&D) in the project was Złotecki Sp. z o.o., a manufacturer of pistons for internal combustion engines.
Congratulations on your success and we wish you more to come!