na zdjęciu orkiestra górnicza

Zdjęcia: Jolanta Skwaradowska i Martin Huć 

Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 10.12.2024
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St. Barbara’s Day celebrations at the Silesian University of Technology

St. Barbara Academy, Concert of the Orchestra of the KWK Sośnica, ceremonial procession – the celebrations of Barbórka took place at the Silesian University of Technology. The ceremony was attended by the authorities of the University, the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation of the Silesian University of Technology, representatives of the Ministry of Industry and local authorities as well as the mining industry, trade unionists and invited guests.

The Barbórka celebrations at the Silesian University of Technology took place for the 75th time. The Holy Mass began in the church of St. Michael the Archangel, then flowers were placed under the statue of St. Barbara in the courtyard of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation. In the afternoon, in the hall of the faculty, a concert of the KWK Sośnica Orchestra took place and then the Barbórka Academy was planned.

- The traditions of Barbórka in Silesia are still very strong, if only because in many of our families there are some mining roots – whether our parents, grandparents or their siblings worked in mines - said the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

akademia barborkowa 10 fot. Jolanta Skwaradowska (58)

Mining was a key industry not only in Silesia, but also in the country. Of course, we are now at the time of changes. We are all talking about modern energy and I do not think that you need to convince anyone that this is the case. Miners are also aware of this, and they look with hope towards the modernization of mining, automation, mechanization, which increase safety and relieve them from difficult working conditions. What is important and it should be emphasized, we will always be associated with mining, if not hard coal, then with the extraction of mineral resources, which are necessary for the normal functioning and development of technology – said the Rector.

The Silesian University of Technology responds to the challenges of modern mining, educating specialists in this field.

- We modify our study programs so that students have the competences needed in the labour market during the transition period, which is also evidenced by the name of the Faculty. Today it is the Faculty Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation. We also have excellent partners in this area, such as the AGH University of Science and Technology and universities from our EURECA-PRO alliance and excellent industrial partners – added the Rector, Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

na zdjęciu kilku górników w mundurach galowych

The Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation, Dr Hab. Eng. Krzysztof Filipowicz, Prof. SUT emphasized that the mining industry is currently playing an important role in the global energy transition, aiming at the sustainable use of energy sources.

Coal, although its role is evolving, is still an important element of the energy balance, especially in Poland. The mining sector is actively adapting to the new realities, supporting energy security and economic development of the country. Reducing emissions is a priority for modern mining. Innovative technologies such as CO₂ capture and storage, coal gasification and modern combustion methods minimize environmental impact while increasing process efficiency. Automation and digitalization contribute to safety and efficiency. The use of autonomous machines, monitoring systems and artificial intelligence allows to optimize processes and reduce risk - emphasized the Dean.

“The mining industry also focuses on sustainable development, including the restoration of post-mining areas, efficient use of resources and integration with renewable energy sources. Thanks to these activities, mining remains a key element of the economy, adapting to the challenges of the modern world”. – he added.

Uroczysta akademia i skok przez skórę

During the ceremonial Academy of Barbórka, a letter from the Minister of Industry Prof. Marzena Czarnecka, was also read, in which she addressed to the participants of the celebration.

“Barbórka meetings are not only a time of reflection on the rich history and traditions of mining, but above all an opportunity to gather representatives of the mining sector, universities, the world of science and industry in one place. It is a celebration that integrates the environment and reminds us of the importance of cooperation in the face of the challenges posed by the energy transformation and economic changes>” – wrote the Minister of Industry.

During the Barbórka Academy, there was also a traditional leap over the leather, which is a symbol of the admission of mining students to the mining brotherhood. The ceremony was graced by the performance of the Academic Choir of the Silesian University of Technology.

orszak górników z pochodniami

After the Barbórka Academy, the ceremonial procession, in a beautiful winter scenery, went to the meeting place as part of the 3rd National Meeting of Gwarki 2024, which took place in PreZero Arena Gliwice. There, the previous Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation was awarded, Prof. Franciszek Plewa, the originator of the National Gathering of Gwarki was distinguished. Professor Plewa received from the current dean an honorary mining cutlass.

- “I am extremely surprised and grateful that in such a wonderful atmosphere of our event I could receive this distinction “- said Prof. Franciszek Plewa.

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