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Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 15.05.2024
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Silesian University of Technology is a partner in the new Horizon – PHOENIX project

A consortium of the European University EURECA-PRO has been created, which has been awarded a three-year grant under the Horizon Europe Framework Program (HORIZON) - "Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply". A total of 101 applications were submitted to the competition – only nine of them received funding.

The consortium is led by the Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC) from Belgium. The consortium brings together specialists in materials engineering, chemistry, power industry and hydrogen technologies. The team leader on behalf of the Silesian University of Technology is Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Janusz Kotowicz. Out of five substantive tasks, Silesian University of Technology manages one, and two more are co-implemented.

narysowana mapa Europy z podziałem na Państwa obok loga partnerów

The aim of the” PHOENIX - Photo-electro Integrated Next-Generation energy technologies” project is to create a tandem of two reactors (electrochemical and photoelectrochemical), which powered by renewable energy will produce propanol from CO2 and convert PET plastic waste to glycolic acid.


The project team of the Silesian University of Technology headed by Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Janusz Kotowicz (substantive manager of the project) and Dr Eng. Mateusz Brzęczek (Deputy Technical Manager) will be responsible for modelling reactors, their validation, and detailed economic analyses together with the LCA.

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