Silesian University of Technology in the role of Santa Claus
As part of the 3rd campaign "Silesian University of Technology in the role of Santa Claus", a collection of coffee, tea, drinking chocolate and sweets is underway. Give some joy to the Social Welfare Centre (OPS) residents in need of encouragement and join the campaign.
The Silesian University of Technology encourages you to participate in a charity collection. Help us promote the idea of the academic community getting involved in social initiatives.
The collection of donations will last until December 18th. Gifts can be brought to the CW in Gliwice (20, Konarskiego Street, room 106).
People who cannot deliver the gifts themselves but want to donate something are asked to contact us at 32 237 20 75.
The gifts will be packed and given to the people under the care of the Social Welfare Centre in Gliwice (families, children, seniors, lonely people).