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Silesian University of Technology at the 8th Silesian Science Festival Katowice
The Silesian Science Festival with the participation of the Silesian University of Technology continues! The first day, which ended with the signing by the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marek Pawełczyk of the “Scientific Program for Silesia” and POP Science 2024 awards for representatives of the Silesian University of Technology.
On the first day of the festival in the hall of the International Congress Centre, crowds of inhabitants of the region, who wanted to expand their knowledge and get to know the world of science gathered. Among the universities and institutions that presented their potential was also the Silesian University of Technology.
- We are trying to develop academic Silesia. Cooperating with other universities for years, among others during the Silesian Science Festival, we want to show that this is a good region to study, to develop one’s own passions, and later to continue one’s professional career here in Silesia – said the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marek Pawełczyk.

This year, representatives of the Silesian University of Technology presenting the scientific potential of the university were present, among others, in the Technical Zone (29 activities), the Science Zone (10 activities), the Nature Zone (5 activities) and the Medicine Zone (4 activities), but also in the Space Zone, Gaming and AI.
- In the Technical Zone we are very active, which is connected with what we do scientifically within our walls. We introduce visitors to the Festival to issues related to artificial intelligence, 3D printing or transport of the future – said Dr Eng. Rafał Setlak, Prof. SUT, co-ordinator of the Technical Zone.

In total, our University was represented by nearly 100 employees, doctoral students and students.
- We present a number of issues from biotechnology, transport, automation to physics, in a word we boast of all the best at the Silesian University of Technology, because it is the best opportunity for this - added Prof. Dr Hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska,– director of the Science Popularization Centre of the Silesian University of Technology.
Workshops, presentations and stands served by our representation were very popular. Residents asked a lot of questions about hydrogen systems, but they also took photos of a polytechnical car and drone.

This year’s Silesian Science Festival Katowice was unique because it summarized the year of the European City of Science celebrations, but also was the opportunity to sign the Declaration of the City of Science, which will allow the continuation of the activities of Silesian universities to benefit the development of the region.
An important point of the first day of the Festival was the signing of the “Scientific Program for Silesia”, which is the result of joint works of seven public universities from the Silesian Voivodeship, belonging to the Academic Consortium – Katowice City of Science.
The main objective of the “Scientific Program for Silesia” is to conduct research, research and development and artistic activities for the transformation of the region. The multi-area transformation of Silesia will be possible thanks to the use of the potential of Silesian universities and their research infrastructure.
The signature of the document initiating the creation of the program was placed by the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology.
- This project will be followed by conducting scientific research in cooperation with other Silesian universities, for which money is needed. The “Scientific Program for Silesia” is supposed to guarantee it. The funds that universities themselves will donate for research purposes will be multiplied by support provided from the state budget. Probably the institution that will support us in distributing this money will be the National Science Centre – explained the Rector.
The program is also intended to contribute to strengthening the cooperation of the scientific community with the socio-economic and industrial environment. The research undertaken in the project is to contribute to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region, creating more favourable conditions for living and working, and supporting economic development.
The culmination of the first day of the Festival was the presentation of POP Science awards to 2024 people and initiatives related to the popularization of science.
In the “Radio broadcast or podcast” category, the award went to our podcast “Let’s talk about science,” and in the “Think locally, act globally” category, the award went to Dr Eng. Anna Byczek-Wyrostek.
At the end of Saturday’s day at the Festival, the participants listened to a concert of film music by the Jan Stokłosa Collective.

fot. Tomasz Stokłosa