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Science and Industry Meeting at the Silesian University of Technology
Industry 4.0 Week organized as part of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 was an excellent opportunity to meet representatives of science and industry at the Silesian University of Technology. This happened on October 24th at the Centre of Modern Technologies during the Conference “Industry 4.0. Science and Industry Meeting.”
Science must cooperate with industry and industry with science – under this slogan the conference “Industry 4.0. Science and Industry Meeting at the Silesian University of Technology” took place.
Representatives of the Silesian University of Technology have no doubts that innovations created within the walls of the University can serve the development of business, and entrepreneurs want to know how to use these opportunities. That is why there are many initiatives that are supposed to connect the world of science with business.
- In such a region as Silesia, proper cooperation of the University with industry is a guarantee of good functioning. We are in a region where many industries are growing. Thanks to this, we acquire topics for scientific and didactic work – emphasized the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marek Pawełczyk.
The scientific aspect is implemented through research and development of joint projects with the participation of researchers. In the next stage, the effects of such achievements serve as innovations that can be implemented in enterprises in the future. On the other hand, it is business representatives who report the needs of the market, and it is to these needs that the program of educating students – future engineers is adapted to. What is more, Silesian University of Technology implements many internship programs and dual studies, which allow young people to gain not only theoretical but also practical knowledge during their studies.

Today’s conference was aimed at exchanging experiences and indicating the possibilities of cooperation between both areas.
- The idea was that scientists should indicate to entrepreneurs, who gathered at the conference many, what modern technologies can be used in companies and thus how to improve the operation of the company - said MSc Eng. Anna Kiljan, curator of Industry 4.0. Week.
Both small entrepreneurs and presidents of large companies operating in the Silesian Voivodeship listened to and took part in lectures and presentations.
The knowledge shared with them by the scientists of the Silesian University of Technology and other speakers concerned issues related to solutions based on artificial intelligence, robotization and automation as well as cybersecurity in companies.
There will be plenty of opportunities to talk about the development and challenges of Industry 4.0 this week. In the coming days, further events will take place as part of the celebration of Industry 4.0 Week of the European City of Science 2024.
The exact schedule can be found at:
fot. Jan Szady