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Results of the competition for the logo of the 80th anniversary of the Silesian University of Technology

We are happy to announce the results of the logo competition on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Silesian University of Technology!

In the competition task it was necessary to make the logo of the Silesian University of Technology on the occasion of the 80th anniversary. The competition was organized by the Silesian University of Technology, and it was open to employees, doctoral students, and students of the University as well as pupils of academic secondary schools in Gliwice and Rybnik.

Out of 26 qualified works, the competition committee chaired by Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Bożena Skołud, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, after careful evaluation, selected the winners.

Competition winners:

  • 1st place – Jan Szady
80 lat Politechniki Śląskiej - 1
  • 2nd place – Zuzanna Nych
  • 3rd place – Jakub Frączek

We would like to congratulate the winners and thank all participants for their involvement and contribution to the development of the image of the Silesian University of Technology. The winning logo will serve as a concept on the basis of which the logo of the 80th  anniversary of the Silesian University of Technology will be developed.

© Silesian University of Technology

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