8sfn_podstawowe_kolo (1)
Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 09.05.2024
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Report your activity at the Silesian Science Festival until May 12th!

We invite you to actively participate in the next edition of the Silesian Science Festival. The call for activity for the 8th edition of this event has been extended to 12th May.

Activities can be entered both by Student Scientific Clubs and employees of the Silesian University of Technology. This is an excellent opportunity to present the offer of education and talk about interesting projects implemented at the Silesian University of Technology.

Proposals can be made in six areas:

  1. Climate and environment;
  2. Health and quality of life;
  3. Industries of the future
  4. Social innovations
  5. Industrial and cultural heritage;
  6. Creation and criticism.

Let us remind you that the 8th Silesian Science Festival will take place at the International Congress Centre from 7th to 9th December in Katowice. It will conclude the whole year of the celebrations of awarding Katowice the title of the European City of Science 2024.

An activity proposal can be submitted to the program via the Coffee system. If you have any questions, please contact the Silesian Science Festival organizational Office. Simply send an inquiry to sfn@us.edu.pl or call tel. 32 359 23 25.

The application form is available at: https://8sfn_nabor.systemcoffee.pl/ 

More information is also available on the WFN website: https://www.slaskifestiwalnauki.pl/nabor-do-8-sfn-zostal-przedluzony

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