na zdjęciu profesor z prezydentem
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 11.12.2024
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Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marcin Woźniak received the title of Professor of Engineering and Technical Sciences

On November 22nd, 2024, in the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, a ceremony of awarding the professor’s nominations took place. The act of awarding the title of Professor in Engineering and Technical Sciences in the discipline of technical informatics and telecommunications was received by the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marcin Woźniak. The nomination act was presented by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda.

Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marcin Woźniak was a scientific supervisor in many editions of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education programs. He has participated in various scientific projects (both as a manager and a scientist) at Polish and foreign universities and implementation projects in the IT industry, both financed by the National Centre for Research and Development and abroad. Prof. Woźniak has completed many foreign scientific internships in Italy, Sweden, Germany, and other countries. He is the author of over 350 scientific articles published in conference volumes and the most prestigious scientific journals. His current research interests include neural networks and their applications along with various aspects of fuzzy logic and control, applied computational intelligence accelerated by evolutionary computation, and associated learning models.

Prof. Marcin Woźniak has received numerous awards and distinctions, including scholarships from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for an outstanding young scientist and the Award of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for significant scientific achievements. From the very beginning of the ranking conducted by Stanford University in the USA, prof Marcin Woźniak is listed among the “top 2% of the best scientists in the world”. Prof. Marcin Woźniak has also been among the best IT scientists in Poland according to the portal.

fot. Przemysław Keler

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