Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 11.12.2024
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Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Bogusław Grzesik, Prof. of Silesian University of Technology has passed away

It is with deep regret that we received the news of the death of Dr Hab. Eng. Bogusław Grzesik, Prof SUT – a long-term scientific and didactic employee of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Professor Bogusław Grzesik was born on the 25th February 1940 in Sędziszów Małopolski. In 1967 he graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology, obtaining a professional master’s degree in engineering with a specialization in transformation and use of electricity. Immediately after defending his diploma thesis, he began working in a group of scientific and teaching staff in the Department of Electric Drive. In 1973, he obtained a PhD degree after defending his doctoral dissertation entitled "Analysis of voltage shaping processes in inverters with pulse width modulation, designed to power asynchronous motors".

In 1993, he obtained a postdoctoral degree in connection with the monograph "Analysis of switching in perfect and ideal power electronic converters".

Prof. Bogusław Grzesik was the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in the years 1999-2005 In the years 1997-2004 he was the Head of the Department of  Electrical Drives and Power Electronics at the Institute of Theoretical and Industrial Electrical Engineering, and in the years 2004-2009 he was the Head of the Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics. He was the initiator of the establishment of this Department in 2004 and contributed significantly to the development and education of its staff.

The professor promoted 16 doctors of technical sciences, of which 11 scientists took up work in the aforementioned Department.

He conducted research in the fields of power electronics and industrial electronics, electrotechnology, as well as superconductivity applications. His scientific achievements include more than 300 publications and 18 patents.

Prof. Bogusław Grzesik coordinated European projects of the Silesian University of Technology: TEMPUS [continuing education at Polish universities] (1995-1998), Craft HIPOLITY [Innovative new high temperature superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMEs) for high efficient power quality] (2002-2004), Craft ULCOMAP [Ultra compact marine propulsion] (2003-2005) and the project under the 6th EU PR: Craft HYDROGENIE [Development and field testing of a compact HTS hydro power generator with reduced investment costs, lowered environmental impacts and strongly improved performance to reduce the price per kWh] (2007-2009).

As part of the Polish Artificial Heart Government Special Program, he coordinated the implementation of a prototype of a wireless data and energy transmission system to power the heart prosthesis.

He took an active part in the work of the Polish Committee for Standardization – the Electrical Engineering Team (Power Electronics), was a member of the Electrical Drive and Power Electronics Section of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee and a member of scientific and publishing committees of dozens of national and international scientific conferences (SENE, EPNC, EPE, EPE-PEMC). Particularly associated with the environment creating the Conference Control in Power Electronics and Electric Drives and the Power Electronics Symposium in science and didactics.

He has been awarded many times for his scientific work with the awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, and awards of industry scientific societies.

Always active and full of vigour – skier, windsurfer, and sailor. The originator of regular scientific trips with students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, always combined with physical activity, which today constitute the tradition of the Department of Power Electronics, Electric Drives and Robotics.

Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marian Kampik.

Head of the Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics

Dr Hab. Eng. Zbigniew Kaczmarczyk, prof. of Silesian University of Technology


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