Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 18.05.2021

Prof. Andrzej Buchacz passed away

We regret to inform that on May 15, 2021, Professor Andrzej Buchacz, an outstanding scientist and long-term employee of the Silesian University of Technology.

Prof. Andrzej Buchacz was an employee of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from 1974. His scientific activities include mechanics, construction and operation of machines, machine dynamics, automation and robotics, mechatronics, methods of graphs and structural numbers in the analysis and synthesis of mechanical systems, and computer science. Professor Andrzej Buchacz was the author or co-author of over 500 publications, including monographs, academic textbooks and books with a global reach, as well as publications in major national and international journals. He was the supervisor of 8 PhD thesis and the scientific supervisor of many doctoral students. He reviewed dozens of habilitation (postdoctoral) theses, books, scientific articles and applications for the award of the academic title of professor. Professor Buchacz managed many research projects, the effects of which have a significant impact on the level of development of science and industry in Poland.

Prof. Andrzej Buchacz was for many years the Editor-in-Chief of the Silesian University of Technology Press. He was also the Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Throughout his scientific career, he very actively and creatively participated in many works for the Faculty and the University, especially for the development of the discipline of mechanical engineering.

He was a member of international and national organizations, and participated in the work of many Polish Academy of Sciences committees. For 10 years he was a member of the Crimean Academy of Sciences. During his scientific career, he was on research internships in Lithuania and Ukraine, with which he developed a very close and fruitful cooperation.

Prof. Andrzej Buchacz was a man with very broad interests and scientific horizons. He initiated and took part in many scientific discussions, as well as conversations on topics that were extremely needed in the scientific community. We will miss it very much.

The Rector, the Senate and the Academic Community of the Silesian University of Technology express their regret to the family, relatives and friends.

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