Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 06.06.2022
Na zdjęciu widzimy dwóch naukowców stojących przy dronie nagrodzonym na targach

Presentation of inventions awarded at the International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG® 2022

Researchers from the Silesian University of Technology presented their inventions that were awarded during the 15th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022. The meeting was held at the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer of the Silesian University of Technology.

A drone for vaccine distribution in the process of oral vaccination of foxes, a system supporting the evacuation of people in mines and buildings, a technology enabling more effective treatment of plastic waste, and a technology allowing a change from a combustion vehicle to an electric drive - these are some of the inventions that have been awarded at the 15th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022. The projects were presented to the media during a special presentation.

Na zdjęciu widzimy prorektora udzielającego wywiadu dziennikarzom

Today's meeting summarizes our successes achieved at the International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022 held in Katowice. I would like to remind you that it was an international fair which was very popular, and which was attended by representatives of countries from many continents - said Vice Rector for Science and Development, Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

At the Fair, the Silesian University of Technology was awarded: the Platinum Award of the Fair, two Gold Medals and three Silver Medals. Moreover, the inventions which won the Gold Medal were additionally distinguished with the Award of the President of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations and the International "Prix Eiffel" of the French Federation of Inventors.

- At the Silesian University of Technology, we support innovation. The awarded inventions not only stimulate imagination, but they are also consistent with the university development policy, our development strategy and the tasks we have included in the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme. These inventions also comply with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore we invest in scientific research in such a way as to make it useful for the society and the economy - adds the vice rector Prof. Marek Pawełczyk.

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Director of the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer (CITT) Magdalena Letun-Łątka, PhD, emphasised that the authors of the awarded inventions are ambassadors of innovation at the University. - Each of the inventors is entitled to this title. Thanks to your work, knowledge and involvement, we are able to combine science and business - said the director of CITT to the awarded scientists.

"A wireless system to support dynamic signalling of human evacuation directions and environmental monitoring in mines and buildings” was presented by Jarosław Flak, PhD, Eng. - Our system can support the evacuation of people in mines and buildings. The system provides acoustic signalling of the evacuation direction, which can be altered depending on the dynamics of the situation in real time. This makes it possible to carry out evacuations for example in complete darkness or smoke-filled areas. The system can also be used to evacuate blind people - explained Jarosław Flak, PhD, Eng.

„Bezprzewodowy system wspomagający dynamiczną sygnalizację kierunków ewakuacji ludzi oraz monitorujący środowisko w kopalniach i budynkach. sa to małe czarne skrzynki

Paweł Fabiś PhD, Eng, presented “A method of analysing and adjusting the economic and performance parameters of an electric vehicle for use in urban driving conditions.”

- This system makes it possible to change the type of propulsion. Thanks to it, a classic combustion vehicle can be transformed into an electric vehicle. In the prototype of the solution I used a motorbike, which is a one-track vehicle, but in the future, such a solution may find a wider application – explains Paweł Fabiś PhD, Eng.


Among the presented inventions there was also an " Unmanned aerial vehicle for vaccine distribution in the process of oral vaccination of foxes". - This solution was developed in cooperation with the Voivodship Veterinary Inspectorate in Katowice. Our drone can be used to distribute rabies vaccines for foxes. Such vaccinations are performed twice a year and microlight aircrafts are commonly used to drop them. In this case, the use of a drone is cheaper and more precise. (... ) In addition, we receive automatic records of information about the discharge site. This is important because each vaccine has its unique number and the discharger must provide the inspectorates with the exact location of each vaccine drop," explains Prof. Roman Czyba.

The scientists who were awarded the prize for "Integrated technology for decontamination of polyolefin waste materials" also presented their inventions. It enables plastic waste to be cleaned so that it can be recycled many times. - All used plastic packaging should get a second life. The problem is that they are dirty with various kinds of impurities, such as food leftovers or various types of dirt generated during the transport process. In order for the waste to be recycled, we need to clean it, explains Piotr Sakiewicz, PhD, E

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The technology of used plastic purification developed by the scientists of the Silesian University of Technology allows not only for more efficient purification, but it is also cheaper and more environment-friendly. - We will be able to obtain material similar to the properties of the original material, i.e. "virgin" material - the kind that comes out of the factory - adds Piotr Sakiewicz, PhD.

The presented solutions are only a part of the Silesian University of Technology projects awarded at the 15th International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG®2022.

na zdjęciu widzimy czterech naukowców udzialjąych wywiadu

The full list of award-winning inventions is presented below:

  1. Plastic extrusion tools with innovative coatings with improved durability and production efficiency (authors: Wojciech Brzozowski MSc, Bartosz Witala PhD, Eng; Magdalena Letun-Łątka PhD, Eng.) - Gold Medal, Award of the President of the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations
  2. Integrated technology for decontamination of polyolefin waste materials (authors: Piotr Sakiewicz PhD, Eng., Prof. Krzysztof Piotrowski; Józef Ober PhD, Eng., Prof. Klaudiusz Golombek; Joanna Mścichecka, MSc, Mateusz Lis MSc) – Platinum Award
  3. Unmanned aerial vehicle for vaccine distribution in the process of oral vaccination of foxes (authors: Prof. Roman Czyba, Piotr Czekalski PhD, Eng, Jarosław Domin, PhD, Eng) - Gold Medal, the International "Prix Eiffel" of the French Federation of Inventors.
  4. A wireless system to support dynamic signalling of human evacuation directions and environmental monitoring in mines and buildings (authors: Prof. Andrzej Kwiecień, Jarosław Flak PhD, Eng, Dariusz Caban PhD, Eng, Mirosław Skrzewski PhD, Eng, Piotr Stera PhD, Eng) - Silver Medal
  5. Research simulator of a boom-type road header (authors: Prof. Piotr Cheluszka, Prof. Eryk Remiorz, Grzegorz Głuszek MSc) - Silver Medal
  6. Method of analysing and adjusting the economic and performance parameters of an electric vehicle for use in urban driving conditions (by Paweł Fabiś PhD, Eng.) - Silver Medal

INTARG® is an international event presenting and promoting inventions and innovations. It is intended to present the potential and the achievements of technological thought and science - inventions, technologies and services for the industry.

The Silesian University of Technology was the Programme Partner of this year's Fairs as part of which it organised an accompanying event - a conference titled "Intellectual property protection as a foundation for synergy of science and business". The participation of the university in INTARG'22 was coordinated by the Centre for Incubation and Technology Transfer of the Silesian University of Technology.

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