Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 21.01.2025
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POB1 seminar

On Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 04.00 p.m., the 51st POB1 seminar will take place. The guest will be Maciej Bobowicz M.D from the Medical University of Gdańsk

Maciej Bobowicz MD, is a radiologist from the Medical University of Gdańsk, an expert and contractor in many scientific projects devoted to the construction of intelligent systems supporting diagnostic imaging of cancer diseases, including the EuCanImage project (

At the seminar, we will have the opportunity to listen to a lecture entitled "AI in cancer imaging - trust issues and future-AI directions from healthcare provider's perspective", in which, among others, the topic of reliable artificial intelligence and the credibility of the AI solution will be discussed and we will reflect on fair regulations in the section devoted to future-AI recommendations for researchers and business.

The seminar will be held remotely using the Zoom platform.
Link to the event:

Meeting ID: 928 7894 0094
Access Code: 303326

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