Na granatowej grafice widzimy zaproszenie do wzięcia udziału w sesji referatowej oraz narysowanego kosmonautę oraz statek kosmiczny
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 27.02.2023

Paper session devoted to astronomy

Do you want to learn how to observe gravitational waves or if we have a chance to find life beyond Earth? Or are you interested in the progress of space projects and missions such as Europa Clipper, InSight or Cheops? If so, take part in a paper session devoted to astronomy under the patronage of the Institute of Physics of the Silesian University of Technology.

The ALMUKANTARAT Astronomical Club Association , whose aim is to promote interest in astronomy, organizes a paper session devoted to astronomy. The meeting will take place on March 8th  and 9th , 2023 at the Centre of New Technologies at  22B, Konarskiego  Street in Gliwice.

Topics of papers: 

  1. The next step for humanity - the Lunar Gateway project.
  2. Future study of Jupiter's moon system - JUICE mission and Europa Clipper.
  3. Will we find life beyond Earth? Or a few words about astrobiology.
  4. Pluto then and now, how New Horizons changed our perception of Pluto .
  5. Almost like Bruce Willis in Armageddon - space mining.
  6. InSight mission, i.e. seismological research on Mars.
  7. Crisis in cosmology: modern measurements of the Hubble constant.
  8.  Another visitor to the solar system - the discovery of Comet Borisov.
  9. IDA, or how to protect the sky from light pollution.
  10. Why do galaxies die?
  11. James Webb Space Telescope.
  12. How to conduct scientific research in orbit, or about experiments on the ISS.
  13. Kepler's successor? The first results of the Cheops mission.
  14. LIGO, or how to observe gravitational waves.

The event is held under the patronage of the Institute of Physics , and the event is co-organized by the Scientific Circle Silesian Aerospace Technologies . More information on the website of the Silesian University of Technology | Events ( .


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