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Open day at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering
Popular science lecture, visiting modern laboratories and talks with scientists and students – the Open Day took place at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering. The event was an opportunity for the youth of secondary schools to get to know the faculty and its educational offer.
The Open Day began with a lecture entitled “Looking for depth – how a computer sees you in space,” which was delivered by Dr Eng. Daniel Ledwoń. Then the young people went to visit modern laboratories of the European HealthTech Innovation Centre – EHTIC.
- Events, such as Open Days, are an opportunity to present to students what biomedical engineering is, to show them the spectrum of our faculty and laboratories, where I hope they will carry out some research projects in the future - said Dr Hab. Eng. Marcin Basiaga, Prof. SUT, Dean of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering.
The Faculty, having access to modern EHTIC laboratories, is one of the leading in the country and students can pursue a variety of innovative research projects.

- It is worth studying at our faculty. Our graduates have huge career prospects, because biomedical engineering is the future of medicine, medicine without engineering does not exist.
Biomedical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology can boast a Certificate of Excellence in Education, which is a testimony of high-quality preparation for education. It was also highly rated in the “Perspektywy” Ranking of Studies in the category Biomedical Engineering, ranking third in the country.
- The Faculty currently offers one major – biomedical engineering and four specializations. There are four student organizations, including three scientific circles, and because a student does not live by science itself, we remember about free time. Soon a modern relaxation zone will be opened, while the Student Self-Government organizes various events such as film evenings. Even before the pandemic within the Zabrze Igry Games, our students and colleagues from the Medical University of Silesia played football matches at the Górnik Zabrze stadium, we hope that we will return to this tradition - said Dr Eng. Pawel Badura, Prof. SUT, Vice-Dean for Science and Cooperation.

During the Open Day, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering was visited by pupils of several classes of secondary schools, among others from the Complex of Gastronomy and Hotel Schools in Tarnowskie Góry.
I am here with the youth of the fifth grade of the technical school. They are soon going to take vocational exams confirming their qualifications and matriculation. Therefore, getting to know the didactic offer and infrastructure of the University is very important, especially that many of our graduates choose engineering or medicine studies – said Jolanta Mazur-Pogoda, a teacher of vocational subjects. “They may want to tie their future to biomedical engineering,” he adds.
The educational offer of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering includes First and second-degree studies. Students can study in both Polish and English.