Zdjęcie przedstawia duży, rogowy, paropiętrowy budynek.
Author: Agnieszka Kliks-Pudlik     Published At: 31.05.2022

Open Day at Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

The doors of the Faculty of Transport and Aeronautical Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice will open to everyone who would like to visit the place and find out what the scientists and students of the unit do. High school students will also participate in the event, which will be held on Friday, 3rd June from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

This year, Open Day is combined with the 20th Student Research Session and Meet the Employer.

Over 300 secondary school students have already declared their participation in the Open Day. Under a care of a tutor from the Faculty, young visitors will visit many laboratories where people, for example, work on modern hydrogen vehicles, mobile robots, gliders and drone simulators or transport systems modelling.

During the event, the following student scientific association will present themselves: SKN Silesia Automotive, SKN SR „Silesia Racing”, SKN Zębatka, SKN C.A.D., SKN LogistiCAD, SKN Traffic Modeling, SKN Signalis, Lotnicze SKN, Szybowcowe SKN. *

In addition, it will be possible to find out about the job offers of various companies and individuals.

For more details, visit: Politechnika Śląska | Dzień Otwarty Wydziału Transportu i Inżynierii Lotniczej Politechniki Śląskiej (polsl.pl)

* SKN – Studenckie Koło Naukowe (transl. Student Scientific Association)

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