Zdjęcie paneli fotowoltaicznych
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 23.08.2021

Next competition within GOSPOSTRATEG programme

The National Centre for Research and Development has announced the seventh competition within the GOSPOSTRATEG programme. Innovative projects for the development of offshore wind energy and photovoltaics are demanded.

GOSPOSTRATEG is a strategic research and development programme aimed at increasing the use of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies by 2028.

In the seventh competition, the NCBR allocated PLN 20 million to support projects. The call for applications for co-financing will start on September 1 and will last until October 27, 2021. The competition is open to consortia consisting of research units, commercial companies, foundations and associations, which include a maximum of five entities. The submitted projects may include basic research, industrial research, development works and pre-implementation works - the latter are an obligatory element of the project.

The first of the research issues raised in the competition submitted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment is the "Sectoral programme for the reconstruction of selected branches of Polish industry for the needs of offshore wind energy (OWE) in order to create a new Polish economic specialization". The main goal of the contracted project is to maximize the share of Polish producers in the domestic offshore wind energy industry sector to at least 50% in 2030.

The second research topic of the competition is: "A comprehensive programme of transformation and revitalization of Polish industry for the development of photovoltaics (PV). Promoting intra-sector cooperation, stimulating productivity growth, innovation and competence of human resources, and strengthening energy security and supply chains for photovoltaic development."

Photovoltaics is the fastest-growing technology for generating electricity from renewable energy sources. The growing popularity of PV installations significantly contributes to the diversification of the national structure of energy generation sources and brings us closer to achieving the goals of the energy and climate policy. The development of photovoltaics also allows for increasing the security of energy supply at a price acceptable to consumers and industry.

More information about the competition can be found on the website https://www.gov.pl/web/ncbr/wsparcie-spolecznego-i-gospodarczego-rozwoju-polski-ncbr-oglasza-siodmy-konkurs-gospostrateg

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