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Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 08.05.2024

Minister Dariusz Wieczorek visited the Silesian University of Technology

Dariusz Wieczorek, Minister of Science and Higher Education, visited the Silesian University of Technology and took part in a meeting with the authorities of our University and the directors of academic libraries.

The meeting took place on May 6th at the Library of the Silesian University of Technology. Minister Dariusz Wieczorek was welcomed by Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, and Dr Hab. Renata Frączek, Director of the Library.

"It is an honour for us that after five years we can again host the Minister of Science and Higher Education at our University" - said Prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk.


Minister Dariusz Wieczorek had the opportunity to visit the new interior of the Library, which is in the final stage of finishing after a thorough reconstruction, see the valuable collections presented in the exhibition “Our Beginnings” prepared as part of the Book Week, as well as talk with the participants about the challenges in the higher education sector and development prospects.

- This is my first visit to the Silesian University of Technology. The campus and department buildings are impressive. Students have good conditions for learning. One can feel the great atmosphere of this place – said Minister Dariusz Wieczorek. Meetings at universities always teach me something because there are very different topics covered in them. This time we talked, among others, about academic libraries in the era of digitization and artificial intelligence. This is a very important topic to take care of the tradition of having libraries during development period. I am also glad that representatives of the student government, who asked about the issue of scholarships, came to the meeting. I am glad that the Silesian University of Technology also focuses on popularization of science. There were many questions and it is clear that everyone wants this university to continue to develop well.


W wydarzeniu wzięli udział także prof. Marek Gzik, wiceminister nauki i szkolnictwa wyższego, prof. Marek Pawełczyk, prorektor ds. nauki i rozwoju PŚ, prof. Tomasz Trawiński, prorektor ds. Infrastruktury i Promocji PŚ, prof. Bogusław Łazarz, prorektor ds. Ogólnych PŚ, prof. Wojciech Szkliniarz, prorektor ds. Studenckich i Kształcenia PŚ oraz przedstawiciele Konferencji Dyrektorów Bibliotek Akademickich Szkół Polskich: przewodnicząca mgr Danuta Szewczyk-Kłos z Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, zastępca przewodniczącej dr Jędrzej Leśniewski z Politechniki Wrocławskiej oraz dr Stanisław Skórka z Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie.


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