na zdjęciu maszyny hutnicze w muzeum
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 02.01.2025
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Materials Week at the Museum of Metallurgy

On the last day of the Materials Week, the participants of the event could visit the Museum of Metallurgy and take part in exceptional activities “Asana with Puppies,” i.e. yoga with puppies. The event took place as part of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 celebrations.

On Sunday afternoon, the organizers invited the inhabitants of our region to a unique visit to the Museum of Metallurgy in Chorzów. It was an extraordinary opportunity to discover with a guide how metallurgical technology and materials have changed over the centuries, shaping industry and everyday life.

- “We are from Silesia, where the metallurgical traditions are very strong. We wanted, as organizers of the Materials Week, to talk not only about what awaits us in the future, but also about what is happening now, what was once, what we grew out of. These are our traditions, and it is here, in the Museum of Metallurgy, that we can find them” – said Dr Eng. Tomasz Pawlik, curator of the event.

jedna z ekspozycji w muzeum

The choice of the Museum of Metallurgy was not accidental, also because without metallurgical products there was no industrial revolution and modern civilization.

- “Steelworks produce various types of sheet metal, pipes, profiles, which then go to industrial plants. Metal sheets are used, for example, to make car bodies, long-distance water, and gas pipelines. In turn, the profiles are used in the construction of halls or bridges. Therefore, it can be said that metallurgical products are basically ubiquitous” – said Dr Eng. Eugeniusz Skwaradowski, retired metallurgist, one of the heroes of the museum exhibition and participant of the Materials Week.

Visitors to the Museum of Metallurgy were guided by Andrzej Szubert.

"During today's tour, I will talk about the education of steelworkers, show some metallurgical equipment and tell what the work of the steelworker looked like," the guide said.

jedna z ekspozycji w muzeum i zwiedzający

The visit to the Museum of Metallurgy was not only an opportunity to learn about history in a modern edition, it was also an inspiration to explore knowledge about technology and materials, and the interactive exhibitions and fascinating stories of the guide made it possible for both children and adults to discover something interesting.

The Materials Week ended with “Asana with Puppies” or yoga with dogs.


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