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Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 18.03.2024

L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science – call for applications

The call for applications for the 24th edition of the “L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science” scholarship program has started. Its aim is to promote women in science and support their research. Applications can be submitted until May 5th this year.

In 2024, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education will continue to support the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science scholarship program, which aims to support and promote the scientific achievements of women researchers conducting research in the field of life sciences.

The scholarship program is organized by L'Oréal Polska together with the Polish Committee for UNESCO, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Polish Academy of Sciences and the UN Global Compact Network Poland. Since 2001 it has been a perfect fit for supporting the development of science and conducting research by outstanding students, doctoral students and researchers preparing their habilitation thesis, who were provided with financial support to continue their scientific development path.
A jury consisting of distinguished representatives of the world of science has so far recognized 123 scholarship holders. In the current edition, six more winners will be selected, and the awarded researchers will receive scholarships and an additional award from the Minister of Science and Higher Education, which will cover the costs of a trip to a selected foreign scientific conference.

You can apply for scholarships in one of three categories:
- habilitation scholarship in the amount of PLN 40,000,
- doctoral scholarship in the amount of PLN 35,000,
- master's scholarship in the amount of PLN 25,000.

The names of the scholarship holders of this year's edition of the program will be officially announced during a gala event scheduled for November this year.

More information about the program and the application rules can be found on the website www.lorealdlakobietinauki.pl.

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