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Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 14.04.2021

Lectures on climate and environmental protection

The Centre for Climate and Environmental Protection at the Silesian University of Technology invites students and doctoral students to a series of lectures. The first meeting will be held on 23 April at 12:00.

The first lecture - "Impact of climate change on the characteristics of atmospheric aerosols" - will be conducted by Prof. Józef Pastuszka, an expert in air protection, aerosols, evaluation of exposure to pollution and health risks.

The meeting is addressed to all interested persons, especially students, doctoral students and members of scientific student associations. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in discussions and ask questions.

The first lecture will take place on 23 April at 12:00 via the Zoom platform (Meeting ID: 978 1728 8985, Passcode: 953091).

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