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Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 24.10.2024
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International Congress on Education Quality at the Silesian University of Technology

The International Congress on Education Quality in the European City of Science Katowice 2024 is under way. On this occasion, meetings and debates on the challenges related to education at universities are held. The Silesian University of Technology hosted a meeting of the Council for Student and Doctoral Training and the Council for Quality Assurance of Education System, bodies of the Silesian University of Technology.

How to conduct education at the highest level for the benefit of students – this is the most important question that was asked during numerous events taking place on the first day of the International Congress on Education Quality at the Silesian University of Technology.

The first day of the Congress was devoted to didactic innovations at an international campus.

- “Silesian University of Technology has already implemented a whole range of modern methods of education, but that is not the end. We know that through project-oriented teaching we are already recognizable in the country, but we want to continue to develop. We have a new representative of the Team for Quality Assurance of Education, who has new ideas and together we will be able to make the education system even more friendly, without unnecessary procedures” – said the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Marek Pawełczyk.

“After the presentations and discussions during today’s meeting, I am reassured about the quality of education in the future. Silesian University of Technology is moving in the right direction” – added the Rector.

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The quality of education in the current system can be voiced by both educators, scientific staff, but also students and doctoral students. The exchange of experiences and opinions is aimed at continuous improvement of the education system.

- “We discussed, among others, how oriented education designed can develop the engineering competences of our students, but also the competences of the future, so important in today's labour market” - added the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Anna Chrobok

The projects that have already been implemented could be seen during the poster session devoted to the Base Learning Project (PBL), which took place in the lobby of the Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering, and Industrial Automation.

Students of the Silesian University of Technology have been using such educational opportunities for years. The change for new students was the introduction of the so-called base of elective subjects.

“We focus on individualization of education. We want our students to make their own choices in which directions they want to develop, in addition to the basic competences that every engineer should acquire. They can choose additional subjects that will correspond to their interests and willingness to specialize” – explained the Vice-Rector.

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The next step in improving the quality of education at the Silesian University of Technology is the development of academic teachers. Numerous courses and trainings are to take place, among others, in the newly created Centre for Modern Education. The first courses are scheduled for October. They will benefit educators starting work at the University.

The International Congress on Education Quality at the Silesian University of Technology also presented the achievements and activities of the Student Science Clubs. Work in Clubs gives the opportunity to develop passion and acquire soft skills, which are appreciated by future employers. Student Science Clubs boasted of their achievements at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering.

On the next day of the Congress, debates will be held with the participation of all representatives of the consortium of universities of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.

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Let us add that the Congress has been organized for three years by 7 state universities in Katowice. The third edition is unique mainly because for several months now in Katowice, as the European City of Science 2024, all state universities have been involved in activities for the transformation of the region through science. Education and its quality, social responsibility of science, civic education are key issues that inspire various activities related to this honourable title.

fot. Jan Szady, Maciej Mutwil

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