Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 08.06.2021

Internal conference within POB4

Public transport, electromobility or the impact of means of transport on the environment - on June 9, 2021, at 2 p.m. a meeting will be held on Priority Research Area 4: Smart cities and future mobility.

It will be the 6th internal POB4 conference, which is addressed to people researching this field. Internal conferences aim to integrate the academic community related to the POB4 area. It is also support for building interdisciplinary research teams, so important, for example, within Horizon Europe.

The topics that will be discussed by the participants of the upcoming conference include ITS, public collective transport, shared systems, electromobility, changing the modal division of traffic, support for local authorities and entrepreneurs in the repair process (decision problems), integration of the flow of goods, people and information at the stage the first and last mile, the impact of transport on the environment, the development of atmospheric pollution profiling systems and the use of Life Cycle Assessment as a tool for analyzing the impact of smart urban solutions on the environment.

Applications for participation in the conference to obtain a link to the Zoom platform should be sent to the following e-mail address:  by June 8, 2021, at the latest. The programme of the event is available at:

Priority Research Area 4: Smart cities and Future Mobility.


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