Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 28.06.2021

Interdisciplinary meeting within POB5

Linguistics, digitization and language education are the topics of an interdisciplinary conference organized as part of Priority Research Area 5: Process Automation and Industry 4.0. The meeting will be held on July 1, 2021, at 3:00 p.m.

During the Industry 4.0 - Linguistics meeting, three presentations are planned, conducted by representatives of the Silesian University of Technology and enterprises. The issues discussed in them will concern, inter alia, digitization in small and medium-sized enterprises, medical and neurobiological research in the context of the development of the concept of language education and the contemporary didactic approach in relation to the involvement of foreign language learners.

The conference will be held on the Zoom platform (Meeting ID: 995 4253 3101, Passcode: 919820) on July 1. 15:00.

Priority Research Area 5: Process Automation and Industry 4.0


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