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Author: Katarzyna Siwczyk     Published At: 20.01.2025
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Hydrogen technologies and sustainable consumption and production - will be taught in Rybnik

The Silesian University of Technology and the City of Rybnik cooperate in the implementation of hydrogen technologies in various spheres of the economy. In order to be able to develop the Rybnik Hydrogen District, it is necessary to train specialist staff. Today, the first important step in this regard has been officially taken.

In the branch of the Silesian University of Technology in Rybnik, the inauguration of the specialty "Hydrogen Technologies" conducted in the Technical School Complex in Rybnik in cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology took place.

- The specialization begins with a group of pupils of the automotive technical vocational school, who are already in the fifth grade, in the last semester of study - said Piotr Tokarz, director of the ZST. “These are pupils who have decided they want to specialize in hydrogen technologies. As a result, they have been prepared the opportunity for them to take part of the classes with employees of the Silesian University of Technology, experts in this field. Classes will take place in special laboratories in Rybnik, Katowice, and Gliwice – he adds.

- The classes will be carried out not only in the walls of the university, but also at hydrogen charging stations, in the depots of hydrogen buses, and all so that pupils will learn the specifics of these vehicles that already drive on the streets of Rybnik - explained Director Tokarz.

The school also focuses on the development of hydrogen technologies in other branches than automotive industry. In the Mobile Robot Science Club, pupils learn how to program hydrogen-powered robots, and soon there will also be a specialization related to renewable energy sources.

All of these opportunities open the pupils of the Rybnik school an opportunity for a good start into the future. Experts in the field of hydrogen technologies will be sought in the coming years, which is why the authorities of Rybnik, and the Silesian University of Technology go a step further and signed a declaration of support on the launch of a new field of study entitled “Sustainable Consumption and Production.”

We listen to the needs of the region. We know that in Rybnik there is an energy transformation, the process of transition from coal to hydrogen sources is underway, therefore we would like to launch a new field of study that will educate a student who is aware of the processes that are taking place in the world, who has knowledge in the field of sustainable development and renewable energy sources, etc. - announced Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Anna Chrobok , Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education at the Silesian University of Technology

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The proposal to create a new field of study will be discussed at the next meeting of the Senate of the Silesian University of Technology. If the proposal receives a positive opinion, recruitment for this field will be launched in the summer recruitment, and studies will start in October 2025 – also in the Rybnik branch of the Silesian University of Technology.

"This is the perfect place to launch a field of study covering hydrogen technologies. We are at the centre of implementing this technology. It is here that students could immediately take practical classes in urban enterprises, which are part of sustainable consumption and production, starting from the Water and Sewerage Enterprise, and ending with the Centre for Green Energy of the Western Subregion, where hydrogen will be produced from waste – explained Zygmunt Lukaszczyk, Prof SUT, Director of the SUT Branch in Rybnik.

It is also in Rybnik that the Centre for Renewable Energy sources and Hydrogen Technologies is being established. The project was included in the list of funding under the Just Transition Fund. Its aim is to implement responsible economic transformation, among others by supporting the development of smart specializations: Hydrogen technologies, green economy, energy, emerging industries, ICT, artificial intelligence, digital medicine.

- We already have a hydrogen base, a hydrogen specialization in secondary school, so the ideal complement would be to launch a course of study in this area, because we need staff for our ROW 2.0 initiative - said Ewelina Włochy, Head of the Department of Digitization and New Technologies in Rybnik. “For our part, we declare the possibility of using urban infrastructure, hydrogen station, hydrogen buses for the purpose of teaching practical aspects in this field of study,” she added.

A written declaration on this matter was made by both the President of Rybnik Piotr Kuczera and the President of the Western Subregion Adam Wawoczny.

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fot. Jan Szady

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