zdjęcie kampusu
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 04.11.2021

Guidelines on preventive measures at the University to prevent COVID-19

Students have returned to the University, the academic year is slowly picking up pace, although inaugurations are still underway at some faculties. However, basic safety rules must be remembered. That is why we would like to remind you that the guidelines for preventive measures against COVID-19 are in force at the University. A letter in this matter was signed by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education, prof. Wojciech Szkliniarz.

In the buildings of the University it is obligatory to cover the mouth and nose with a mask. This order does not apply to students, doctoral students, participants of post-graduate studies and other forms of education, as well as persons conducting classes during those classes, unless the person conducting the class decides otherwise due to safety conditions.

If infection of: a person conducting classes, a student, a doctoral student, a postgraduate student or participant of other form of education is confirmed by a test, then an unconditional order to wear masks for a period of 10 days from the date of confirmation of infection applies to all persons attending classes with the infected person, unless quarantine/isolation is imposed by the sanitary services.

In any event, preventive measures are recommended to minimise the risk of infection, including the use of disinfectants and keeping a social distancing.


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