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Final of the national competition "About Science in Human Terms"
On the 16th of December, a competition for a popular science article "About Science in Human Terms", organized by the Science Popularization Centre of the Silesian University of Technology, was held at the Silesian University of Technology.
Out of fifty-six entries submitted for the "About Science in Human Terms" competition, the jury selected the best popular science articles. The competition was attended by people associated with universities and scientific units throughout Poland. The prizes were awarded to the winners on December 16.
Dr Hab. Eng. Andrzej Katunin, Prof. SUT - jury member- admitted that many articles were written at a high level and stood out from the rest.
- We assessed not only the content, but also the ability to describe difficult phenomena in an interesting way, in a simple, accessible language, understandable for everyone - said the judge.

Awards and congratulations to the winners were presented by members of the jury, representatives of the Science Popularization Centre at SUT and the Vice-Rector for General Affairs Prof. Dr Hab. Eng. Bożena Skołud.
Let us remind you that "About Science in Human Terms" is a competition for a popular science article, describing in an accessible way the scientific topic chosen by the author. This year, not only representatives of the Silesian University of Technology community, but also people from other universities and scientific units in Poland could submit their works.
Katarzyna Kania, the author of an article entitled “About an airplane that flies twice as much” from the Warsaw University of Technology was the winner of the first place.
The second place was taken by Michał Krawiec from the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, who sent the article "Heart on batteries". The third place was taken by Zofia Śmiałek from the Warsaw University of Technology, who wrote an article entitled “Pigments on cellulose, or art in microscale”. The award in the competition was given to Kacper Kos from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for his article entitled “Feminisms – return to linguistic roots or inspiration from Czech?”
The competition works were assessed by a jury consisting of:
- Dr Hab. Eng. Andrzej Katunin, Prof. SUT (Silesian University of Technology) - chairman of the jury,
- Dr Hab. Eng. Katarzyna Krukiewicz, Prof. of the Silesian University of Technology
- (red.) Agnieszka Kliks-Pudlik (Science in Poland)
- Prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska (Silesian University of Technology)
- Prof. Dr Hab. Eng Sławomir Boncel (Silesian University of Technology)
- (red.) Jan Stradowski (Focus, National Geographic)
- Dr Mariusz Gogol (Education & Communication, Association of Science Advocates).
The competition was organized by: Science Popularization Centre of Silesian University of Technology and Silesian University of Technology. The patronage over the Competition was taken by: Science in Poland and the Council for the Promotion of the Public Understanding of Science PAS.
The nationwide competition for the popular science article "About Science in Human Terms" was held within the European City of Science Katowice 2024. The event was co-financed by the Silesian Voivodeship - Co-organizer of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.