lazik na tle budynku chorzowskiego planetarium
Author: Martin Huć     Published At: 28.10.2024
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Exploration of the Moon and Mars

The European City of Science Katowice 2024 visited the Silesian Planetarium in Chorzów. This is where the events of the sixth day of Industry 4.0 Week took place under the slogan “Space Innovation: Exploration of the Moon and Mars.”

Saturday’s attractions were devoted to the latest innovations in space exploration, with a particular focus on research on the Moon and Mars. The program included lectures and presentations that brought the participants closer to the latest achievements and technologies used in space research.

"The lecture was about Mars, which was presented in various aspects – from antiquity, through my fascination with this planet, related, among other things, to changes in its brightness", says Stefan Janta, who gave the lecture "Mars".

Fot. Martin Huć (2)

For a few hours, all visitors to the Silesian Planetarium had the opportunity to take a closer look at the Phoenix III Mars rover, which was presented by members of the Silesian University of Technology student research club. Both children and adults had a lot of questions to the representatives of our University and watched with interest as the rover moved.

“We are pleased that our platform has aroused great interest. Its futuristic look attracts the eye. The rover is quite unusual because we are dealing with a construction based on composite materials. It is extremely light, which is an important aspect in the context of the space industry” - explains Andrzej Jałowiecki from SKN Silesian Phoenix. - “People wanted to learn, among other things, what the rover is used for, what it is built of, and what are the tasks of the robotic arm”.

Fot. Martin Huć (10)

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