Na zdjęciu widzimy wystawę zdjęć twórczości Wacława Zalewskiego. Wystawa stoi w holu, zdjęcia umieszczone na metalowych stojakach
Author: Jolanta Skwaradowska     Published At: 14.01.2022

Exhibition of the works of Wacław Zalewski – an outstanding engineer and constructor

He was the creator of Katowice's Spodek and the railway station, as well as Warsaw's Supersam and Torwar - at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology you can see an exhibition of the work of Wacław Zalewski, the most outstanding Polish designer of the second half of the 20th century.

Until 27 January 2022 in the Gallery of the Faculty of Architecture you can see an exhibition of works of Wacław Zalewski, the most outstanding Polish engineer and constructor, creator of such outstanding buildings as Katowice's "Spodek" and the main railway station, "Supersam" in Warsaw and many realisations in various countries of the world.

The exhibition is based on materials from an exhibition organised by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 2006, which was gradually supplemented in Poland. The exhibition was presented, among others, in Boston, Warsaw, Łódź, and last year in Katowice on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the "Spodek" hall. The owner and supervisor of the exhibition is PERI Polska.

The exhibition is organised by the Institute of Architecture Documentation of the Silesian Library in cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology. More information Silesian University of Technology | News (

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